Autumn this year has already started with its usual abundance of common colds, coughs, and sneezes putting several people off to bed. At the same time the influenza programs and flu shots are being offered via the media and CDC programs prepared as the effects of flu hitting are tried to be kept within reasonable limits.
In the USA alone, the flu jabs advertisements are rampant ranging from almost free with your lottery ticket to every other ad on the tv to get your jab. That even though a wealth of news is being disclosed putting vaccines under heavy scrutiny as they contain unnatural substances undermining the wellness of the physical body. Just recently it came out that numerous top vaccine scientists in New Mexico working for US government on the science of vaccination, do not allow their children to be vaccinated. Just this fact in it self should make us think twice!
Add to that the amount of stress we are all suffering, due to unstable environment on many different levels, insufficient rest, food deprived of its healthy elements, pressure to perform and much more aiding in a physical, emotional and mental unstable health and wellness.
Of course, there are many things we can do in advance to boost our health and well-being with our own fresh preparation of food, supplementation and enough amounts of sunshine and rest. Knowing that since every living cell and being has an electromagnetic field that is reliant on bioelectricity for their metabolic processes which have been mapped by well-known scientists and compiled in the consolidated annotated frequency list – CAFL, using a similar frequency will counteract and this has shown to be highly effective in dissolving the harmful microorganisms.
With Theragem Fusion Light therapy, the impact of relaxing and boosting the immune system within twenty minutes of therapy is quick, easy and very gentle. Together with a specifically developed therapy called ‘Rapid Response’ that addresses all influenza frequencies, this can be added to the range of noninvasive therapy for the weaker part of the population and it only takes an hour and a half to complete.
Best used together with Nine Gem Ayurvedic to kick the intruder out, or the Citrine Gemcup for a deep boosting of the immune system, cleansing and clearing and creating a strong biological terrain where it is easy to dissolve any of potential infiltrators. Add to that an immune booster such as organic Turmeric in the form of Golden Paste / Golden Drink which Theragem encoded can further enhance the crystalline structure, for daily support throughout the winter.
For the recipe of Golden Paste either email us, or google it.
– As always do feel free to send in your comments, feedback, questions and suggestions on treatments. Your experience can just help a fellow therapist and their clients.